Hello. I am trying to write a shell program, one that takes in 2 UNIX commands and executes it. the format for input is:
<command> | <command>
My problem is that for some reason, the execv call is erroring out each time. Relevant parts of my code are below. I removed the parts for the second command, as well as creating a pipe since I know those are working correctly. I know my problem is with calling execv.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define WRITE 1
#define READ 0
#define BUFFSIZE 200
#define FILENAME "Pipe"
	printf("\nfailed to %s %s. code returned was: %d\n", FUNCTION, FILENAME, STATUS); \
	return 0; \

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	int check;
	char buffer[BUFFSIZE];
	do {
		printf("shell-prompt>> ");
		if(buffer[0] == '@') {
		char firstargs[10][BUFFSIZE];
		char secondargs[10][BUFFSIZE];
		firstargs[0][0] = '/';  //initializing first argument so that it executes from /bin
		firstargs[0][1] = 'b';
		firstargs[0][2] = 'i';
		firstargs[0][3] = 'n';
		firstargs[0][4] = '/';
		//getting part 1
		int i = 0, countr = 0, countc = 5;
		while(*(buffer+i) == ' ' || *(buffer+i) == '\t') { //while we see leading whitespace
			i++;  //skip it
		}  //end whitespace loop
		while(*(buffer+i) != '|' && *(buffer+i) != '\0') { //while we have not see a bar or end of string (sanity check)
			//check for whitespace
			int whitecount = 0;
			while(*(buffer+i) == ' ' || *(buffer+i) == '\t') { //while we see whitespace
				i++;  //skip it
				if(whitecount == 0) {  //if this was the first whitespace seen
					firstargs[countr][countc] = NULL; //null terminate old arg
					countr++;  //increment argc number
					whitecount = 1;  //no longer see first whitecount
					countc = 0;  //reset position on new argument
			}  //end whitespace loop
			//after whitespace
			if(*(buffer+i) == '|') {
			firstargs[countr][countc] = buffer[i];  //copy character
			countc++;  //increment position in arg
			i++;  //increment position in buffer
		firstargs[countr][countc] = NULL; //null terminate old arg
		firstargs[countr+1][0] = NULL; //null terminate last string
		/* now we have arguments for first and second process*/
		int printtemp = 0;
		while(firstargs[printtemp][0] != 0) {
			printf("firstargs[%d]: %s\n", printtemp, firstargs[printtemp]);
		int childA, childB;
		childA = fork();
		CHECK("fork", childA)
		if(childA == 0) {
			printf("I am process A\n");
			check = execv(firstargs[0], firstargs);
			CHECK("execv", check);

		int childreturn;
		//waits for 2 children to finish
		check = wait(&childreturn);
		CHECK("wait", check);

	} while(1);
Judging by the warning message gcc gives me, I think the problem is with the second argument of execv, but I honestly have no clue what it doesn't like, since it is a char[][].

Any help or nudges in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!